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How to answer "Why Should we hire you? " - Interview Tips

 Why Should we hire you?  Why should we hire you is another one of the most important job interview questions asked in the interview and if you are not prepared for this question well in advance then it will be the toughest. So prepare the answer beforehand. To answer this question then you should have a good understanding of the key requirements of the job. To answer this question you should highlight what makes you a perfect candidate for this specific job opportunity. Describing the selling points relevant to the job such as job experience, industry experience, technical skill and company cultural fit will ensure your success in getting this job opportunity. If the job opportunity requires a change in industry or career, you should convince the interviewer that your experience and background will match the new role. This has to be done i f your experience does not match directly with the job. And if the job candidate has little or no experience then you should convince the recruiter

Job Interview Tips - 6 Important Interview Closing Techniques for Candidates

  6 Important Interview Closing Techniques

interview closing techniques, interview tips
Photo by Edmond Dantès from Pexels

The final stage of any Job Interview is very important and critical and you need to make a mark on interviewer that you are the perfect candidate for the job. At the end if every interview you should make sure you leave on a positive note. For a lasting impression the closing of interview should be effective. There are number of ways to end the interview on positive note and the following 6 closing techniques will help us to close interview process in a positive note. 

The following are 6 steps:

1) Ask the Right questions to the Interviewer:

List all the questions you want ask about the company and job position well in advance before the Interview. This will boost your confidence as you are prepared to ask the interviewer about your doubts or questions. The rule is that don't ask too many and unnecessary questions just for the heck of asking. Also ask the question if you have found anything during the exchange of information during interview process.

This is the last chance to get your answers so you can address interviewer by saying - "Sir, Can I ask you couple of doubts before we end this Interview?"

2) Reinforce on closing positively with statement:

Once all your doubts are cleared by the interviewer, this is the time to make a positive closing statement by say that why you are the best candidate for the particular job. Reinforce on your strengths and tell how they make you good fit for the job.

For Example you may end by saying - "Sir, this is an exciting opportunity and I believe that I am right candidate for this job position with your prestigious organization. My experience and knowledge will add value to the growth of the organization and my personal growth".

3) Make sure you have addressed all issues:

Before ending you should make sure all the issues are dealt with, this will allow interviewer to honestly express if there are any objections. Also you should enquire the interviewer about any support needed in furnishing details with respect to your application, such as references, supporting documents or work samples

4) Be Enthusiastic for the job position:

Always end the job interview in enthusiastic way, this does not mean you have to be very aggressive. Show interest in a positive way. Show your interest over the job and joining the organization, at the same time don't sound like you are very desperate for the job.

You can comment something good about the company through the research you made about the company and from the information collected during the interview process.

5) Ask for the next step in Hiring Process:

Knowing about further hiring process is very important. You should always know what is next? - any next round of interview, any assessments, or any medical or employment test. You should always know what in further process. Find out the concerned person you should get in touch to know the status of your application. Whether you should contact by mail or over a phone - everything should be known.

You can approach in the following manner to the interviewer: "Sir, I wish to know what is the next step and when you will be making a final decision so that I can follow up". This will show to the interviewer that you are professional and organized in your approach.

6) Always Thank the Interviewer at the end:

This is the most important and final step in ending the interview on high note. Sincerely thank the interviewer for the time he has spent with you. A firm hand shake, with smile and  confident eye contact will perfectly handle the situation. 

Always practice your closing and rehearsing your closing statements which will help you in showing that you are confident and organized candidate.


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