Why Should we hire you? Why should we hire you is another one of the most important job interview questions asked in the interview and if you are not prepared for this question well in advance then it will be the toughest. So prepare the answer beforehand. To answer this question then you should have a good understanding of the key requirements of the job. To answer this question you should highlight what makes you a perfect candidate for this specific job opportunity. Describing the selling points relevant to the job such as job experience, industry experience, technical skill and company cultural fit will ensure your success in getting this job opportunity. If the job opportunity requires a change in industry or career, you should convince the interviewer that your experience and background will match the new role. This has to be done i f your experience does not match directly with the job. And if the job candidate has little or no experience then you should convince the ...
10 Most Common Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid
Mistakes in Interviews are common, but there is a way to avoid all the mistakes if you follow some tips and tricks. So here we will be discussing these mistakes which are to be avoided. These are the 10 mistakes that the hiring managers complain about. The below steps will definitely help you to avoid mistakes in your Next Job Interview.
1) Not getting prepared for Interview:
This is the most common mistake and this can be easily avoided. Preparing for the most common questions asked in the interview is an easy method to overcome this mistake. Doing research on the company for a couple of hours will help you in preparing for the interview.
Also not preparing for the interview will give an impression that you are disinterested in the job position and it will also give an impression that you are an unprofessional candidate.
2) Wearing Inappropriate Dress to Interview:
Always wear formals for an interview, this looks decent and very professional. Avoid dark color shirts, T-shirts, and denim for an interview. Always wear a light-colored shirt with formal trouser which gives the best look. Avoid check shirts and striped shirts for the interview. Getting ready with a pair of formals ironed, a day before an interview will help in creating a positive first impression the moment you enter the interview hall.
3) Going late to the Interview:
Arriving late at the venue is another most common mistake, around 40% to 50% of candidates do this mistake. This is one of the worst job interview mistakes. This creates a bad impression and it's very difficult to overcome this in the whole interview process. Collect all the necessary information about the interview location: the distance from your place, directions to reach, travel time, transport options - all these will help you in reaching the location on time. Arriving at the location on time creates a positive first impression which will help in the further interview process.
4) Repeated mistakes in Answering:
Not able to answer clearly or express clearly the interviewer's question is the worst nightmare for the candidate in the interview process. This can be definitely avoided if we prepare and practice the commonly asked questions in the interview before the interview process. Preparing beforehand will definitely increase the confidence of the candidate and it will help to answer without stumbling to the interviewer's questions.
Also, sometimes the candidate may not understand the question, and instead of seeking clarification, the candidates will just answer the wrong information. So during any point of the interview process, if you get confused with any question - you should always ask for clarification, instead of answering it wrong.
5) Not asking relevant questions to Interviewer:
Always ask relevant questions related to the job position and the company. Interviewers will be left unimpressed if you don't ask any questions when they ask about your queries. Always ask questions about the job positions, growth opportunities with the company so that you sound interesting to the person who is taking your interview. Prepare a list of questions before you go for an interview. At this point in time don't ask any questions about salary and your expectations, this will be too early to talk. Salary should be discussed in the last HR round of interviews.
6) Talking too much in the Interview:
Taking unnecessary matter and out of the context, will make the interviewer lose their interest in the candidate. Always remember that your answers are relevant and focused. Again preparing beforehand to the commonly asked questions will help to overcome this point. Also one should remember that inappropriate jokes or casual behavior are the disaster steps in the interview process. The interviewer may be cool and casual, but you should always be very professional and formal in your approach. Sometimes the interviewer may be deliberately checking your character by being casual to you.
7) Appearing Very Anxious:
Everybody knows that interviews are stressful but that doesn't mean you have to be anxious. Always remember that this is not the END. Opportunities will strike, we have to be alert. Now coming back, there are certain things that can be done before the interview which are - take a deep breath, listen to relaxing music, keep your body moving - going for a 10-minute walk will always help.
8) Not Being Positive in the Interview Process:
Being positive in your thought and words is very important in any interview process. Never complain or bad-mouth your previous employer and co-workers as it will definitely create a negative impression. This will show that you will do the same thing in the future also if the interviewer hires you. So always say good things about the company and co-workers even if you don't like it.
Focus only on achievements and your learnings with your previous organization. Be enthusiastic and say that you have learned a lot from your previous organization and it has developed you into a positive person.
9) Being Distracted in Interview:
Pay your 100% attention to the interviewer, don't ever look here and there in the interview room and get yourself distracted. Your focus has to be on the interviewer and his questions to you at any point of time. Don't fiddle with anything when you are talking or listening to the interviewer.
10) Closing Interview on Wrong Note:
Leaving or closing the interview process on a positive note will help to gain the confidence of the interviewer. Once the interview is done, give a firm handshake to the interviewer by making eye contact. At this point of time, you can ask some questions about the further hiring process. Thank the interviewer and leave on a confident note, this will ensure that you will be remembered as a good job candidate
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
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