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How to answer "Why Should we hire you? " - Interview Tips

 Why Should we hire you?  Why should we hire you is another one of the most important job interview questions asked in the interview and if you are not prepared for this question well in advance then it will be the toughest. So prepare the answer beforehand. To answer this question then you should have a good understanding of the key requirements of the job. To answer this question you should highlight what makes you a perfect candidate for this specific job opportunity. Describing the selling points relevant to the job such as job experience, industry experience, technical skill and company cultural fit will ensure your success in getting this job opportunity. If the job opportunity requires a change in industry or career, you should convince the interviewer that your experience and background will match the new role. This has to be done i f your experience does not match directly with the job. And if the job candidate has little or no experience then you should convince the recruiter

Understanding Retail :



Retail is the selling of goods and merchandise to the end customers. In short, it's breaking the bulk.

Here the customer will use the product for himself and he will not sell it further to any other persons.
There are various formats of Retail, which are 

1. Hypermarkets
2. Supermarkets
3. Discount Stores
4. Category Killers
5. E-Tailing
6. Malls
7. Street Hawkers - Unorganized retail
8. Cash and Carry 
9. Specialty stores

A retailer will sell the consumer goods and services to customers through various distribution channels to generate revenue and earn the desired profit.

The word retail comes from the old French verb "tailer", which means cut off, clip, pair, and divide in terms of sharing. At present, the meaning of the word retail refers to the sale of small quantities of items to consumers.


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Retailing, What is retail, India retailing, Retail, Retail News, Retail definition, Defining types of retailers, Retail News, Retail industry in India, Retail news and topics, Retail business operations


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